Monday, May 14, 2007

Sihanoukville , Cambodia - by the ocean

Since NFC observes the King's birthday clebration school closures on Monday and Tuesday, I've taken the opportunity to visit the coast of Cambodia. It was a four hour bus ride here for $4. We stopped once on the way for lunch. There was a helpful France person who knew Cambodian (he lives here) who helped me order at the small, local roadside cafeteria we stopped at. The food was good, a ginger/chicken dish, green peppers and beef and rice. It came to $1.25. I've booked a room with a TV and a fan for $4.

The beach is quite nice, but also quite crowded. I think it is busier than normal with the people being off for the celebration. The water temperature is perfect. There are simple restaurants lining the beach. I a good swim in the afternoon. Later in the evening I had the fish barbeque featuring barricuda, a small salad and rice. I ended up sharing it, and another order I bought, with three local kids who were selling bracelets and keychains. They were amazingly bright, spoke English well and one could even sing the lyrics to an American song quite well.

I haven't decided whether to head back tomorrow or Wednesday.


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