Sunday, May 13, 2007

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

I did a shopping trip in downtown Phnom Penh today. I spoiled myself and took a tuk-tuk instead of a motorcycle taxi. It was $3 instead of $2 and found it offered a more relaxed view of the city, I wasn't worried about crashing every second of the trip.

I did some bargaining while shopping but I realize I'm not the shrewdest bargainer in the world, nor do I want to be. If they get a little extra from me, I'm not going to sweat it, but I do try. I picked up some "Ray Ban" sunglasses and a case for $12, they started at $18. I checked on battery chargers and found a small one that would be good for traveling but the girl wanted $12 for the off-brand charger alone. I found another place that sold a Sony brand charger for $10 and included 4-NiMH batteries with it. I bought a second Sony charger to use at the orphanage for $7, they just took the batteries, which I didn't need, out of the package. I bought a new motorcycle helmet for $19 (they have them for as little as $10). I also bought a rain jacket with a hood for $7. It's been raining a lot around here.

Later in the afternoon I went over to NFC and I am glad I did. The office staff isn't there on weekends (the regular staff is) and with the King's Birthday celebration they probably won't be there until Thursday. The computer area, next to the office, was like a disaster zone, papers and wrappers and food and VCD's strewn all over the place. One of the brand new mice had been broken. I decided if I wanted any computers to be useable at the end of the week I needed to lock the mice and keyboards in the office, which I did. Not being a total scrooge, I did stay around until evening and set up the DLP projector and speakers and showed a movie to the kids, "Princess Bride". Earlier in the afternoon I helped one of the children come back up to speed with Photoshop.

I bought a ticket to go to the coast tomorrow by bus. It's a four hour ride that costs $4. I still haven't decided for sure if I'm going to go. My backpack is locked up in the NFC office so I'll either have to buy one or use my heavy piece of luggage, which I really do not want to do.


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