Saturday, May 12, 2007

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

I went over the NFC on this Saturday. About 15-kids are huddled around the 4-computers. I have password protected the one I use for teaching, but somehow they always manage to get in. I showed them some features of Photoshop and worked on a presentation for funding for NFC.

I spent some time with the kids of all different ages and played a catch ball game with some of the staff and kids. I had lunch and dinner there, as I have for the last several days. We ate some of the fish that the older kids caught last night. They caught the fish at the new orphanage location that they stay at during the evening.

I did the technology thing tonight with the DLP projector and 3-speakers (that I bought in Bangkok). It worked out well. I think about 60-70 kids were watching the movie. Of course if anyone touched any of the open metal on the projector they'd get a shock. Things are not well grounded around here.

I brought over a number of DVDs for kids, like Happy Feet, Finding Nemo, the Incredibles and Lion King and they had already seen them all. The spread of technology and DVDs is amazing! I ending up showing an animated movie called "Titan A.E.". They seemed to enjoy it.

The King of Cambodia's Birthday celebration is Monday through Wednesday and schools are closed. The volunteer programs generally do not run during this time. I may take a trip to the coast of Cambodia during this time.


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