Saturday, May 05, 2007

Bangkok, Thailand - Set to leave for Cambodia

I leave tomorrow morning for Cambodia. I have a lot of excess baggage and am hoping to plea for mercy and have some of the fees waived, otherwise I will be paying about $150 in excess baggage charges, more than my plane ticket! A lot of the extra weight is from things for the orphanage and from the weight of the luggage itself. Note that I had no excess luggage charges in the flights from the USA to Bangkok. The short haul/low cost carriers are a lot stricter on luggage.

I'm looking forward to meeting with the director of the orphanage, Sovanlay, in person. We have been conversing via email and we had one phone call over a very bad connection. It'll be nice to talk face to face. I also really looking forward to seeing the kids again! It's been about 10-months since my last visit.

I expect that my Internet access will be less frequent and, on my end, much slower. If you don't hear from me as often, that is very likely why. Your very important to me and I love hearing from you, so please do keep in touch and I will email back as soon as I can!

Most of my time in Bangkok has been spent helping Korn with the visa process, preparing for Cambodia and communicating with friends back in the USA. There's been a lot of rain here! The food has been great. I can find something to eat anytime of the day or night. Most of the time I eat food from street vendors, omelette on rice, pad thai, barbequed chicken, corn cut freshly off the cob, mango with sticky rice and freshly squeezed tangerine juice to drink. It'll be interesting to see what it's like in Cambodia.


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