Monday, May 07, 2007

Phnom Penh, Cambodia - First day at New Future for Children (NFC) Orphanage

I had my first day at the orphanage today. It was good. The kids are great and I think the director of the orphanage is very good. I pleased that I recognized several of the kids from my visit 10-months earlier and they recognized me.

I will be teaching 4-classes a day with 3-kids in each class. I will also be helping out the staff with varous administrative tasks and playing with the kids in my free time. The work day is from 8:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Tomorrow I will be inspecting the computer equipment that has been donated to them and evaluating what can be used. I hope to be able to set up a simple network tomorrow as well.

It was pretty warm this morning but we had a huge thundershower in the afternoon that cooled things down. The kids played in a 3" deep "lake" generated by the downpours, as kids a prone to do!

The children are very well-behaved. They really take care of each other, the older ones taking care of the younger ones. They seem to have a lot of fun too.

I have found a good place to stay with A/C, a private bath and a hot shower for $9/night. It is about 20-minutes from the orphanage in the backpacker/Beong Kok Lake district. I can take a motorcycle taxi to and from the orphanage for about a $1 each way. Food is about $6-7 per day. Not too expensive to be here.


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