Tuesday, January 24, 2006

We saw a notice at one of the other resorts on Tavewa Island that said, "We have activities, but we don't ask you if you want to do them." This was a major shift from the hectic commercialism of Nadi. Kinda cool.

It sprinkled rain as John and I took a walk on the coral (dead coral) in front of the Coral View resort this morning. We saw "Brittle Star" starfish, a sea snake, and lots of crabs.

Peter and Terry are leaving today. Lots of comings and goings. It's so neat to be in a group of people where everyone is traveling. They've been places and are going places and have lots of stories and plans.

They killed a pig today during our vollyball game. It was quite disconcerting for us and obviously much more so for the pig. John and I are still trying to figure out why they chose to kill it by dragging it to the water and drowning it. I now know first hand what the expression "squelling like a pig" means. It's not a pretty sound. It took four guys to haul it to the water. Later they were dragging it's body by it's feet across the water on a tarp past the volyball game. Some parts of island life are not all that pretty.


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