Monday, January 23, 2006

We took a trip to a water enclosed cave this morning. The ride out there was an adventure in itself. The waves were quite high and the boat was flying into them and sometimes dropping a considerable distance down to the trough after cresting the peaks. The wooden seats don't provide much cushioning... I sat next to a very attractive girl, Kate, from Finland. She's been traveling on her own for several months now. She appears to be loving it.

The entrance to the cave was from a large pool of water in sunlight open limestone grotto. We only had to hold our breath for a couple of second to make it underwater in the enclosed cave. Once inside you could see the sunlight shining through the bottom of the entraceway from underwater. As a group the Fiji leader led us back into a smaller area of the cave with a small shaft of light coming from somewhere above. As he was telling us about the "boogyman", a co-conspirator has swum underwater and popped out just in front of us to shreiks. We learned a version of ... Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, if you see a boogyman, don't forget to scream!

We took another route back on the leeward sides of the islands, which was much less jarring.

That night, BJ, a Norwegian traveller, showed us some of the awesome photos he had taken over the last 7-months. He had a portable PC with a sharp screen. He had neat photos of lightning over Sydney, pandas, Norway and car racing. He'd take over 7,000 digital photos in that period of time. BJ also helped us out a lot in our planning for China. He had been there twice for a month each.

More Bula dancing in the evening. John swore he tried to avoid it, but the Fiji women "dragged" him to the dance floor (in this case, a sand floor) every time. I have photos. They had the "Snake Dance" this evening. Which is basically like a "Siman says..." Conga line dance. The funniest thing was that their local hound, a German Sherpard - Daschund mix named Snoopy, loved the Snake dance. He would go right in the middle and follow people around as they moved with the line.

Later in the evening before bed I took a shower under the stars. The shower was fenced in but had no roof. It was a neat experience.


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