Sunday, January 08, 2006

One week away! Tickets in hand though India, inoculations finished (thankfully!) and funds transferred to fund this low-budget trip, but still lots to do. Monday I meet with my tax accountant to have my taxes figured out. Friday I'm having dental work done and de-registering my car. In between I'm working on the trip web site with my cousin Ric,, continuing to pack or give away most of my possessions, trying to make final decisions on what to bring with me, and converting everything I can into a format I can store on a computer hard drive (video tapes, CDs, and paper documents).

Speaking of giving away possessions, I had a great time Saturday. My friend (and pastor) Chris came by with his sons and daughter-in-law to pick up four loads of furniture. What a gift! I think they appreciated the furniture and I appreciated not having to work hard to find a good home for it and move it all. Another friend came by and picked up my 2nd kayak with his nephew, who he's giving it to. His young nephew (about 12) was very excited! Today my roommates sister and brother-in-law are coming to pick up some of his furniture and the rest of mine.

Well, my roommate and traveling partner is cooking breakfast this morning, so I'm going to sign off. More next time!


Blogger Chris said...

I do get notified now when someone makes a comment. After you asked, I changed the settings to make that happen. Thanks! - Chris

12:02 AM  

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