Thursday, January 19, 2006

John and I took a day trip to Taviu island on a reconditioned schooner to finally experience some of the beauty of Fiji beaches. It was a gorgeous trip over to the island. We did some snokeling, had lunch of Long-nose Emperor fish, salads fruits, potatoes and the Fiji Bitter local beer (quite bitter!). The water was quite clear and the beautiful blue color you see in the brochures.

On the way back were caught in a downpour that drenched everyone, but was actualy quite fun. Everyone was in good spirits. We also got to see two neat rainbows as the rain was clearing. We took lots of pictures.

Back at our hostel our backpacks finally arrived, thank God! We were due to stay in the dorms, as that was all that was available, but we ended up moving to a place within walking distance that was nicer and will allow us to repack everything. We had Thai Curry for dinner, I guess some things just don't change!

We're planning a trip to the Yasawa Islands and will be getting with travel agents to work it out. Hopefully we'll be leaving for that in a couple of days.

Aaaahhh! So nice to finally have the packs arrive!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris I'm glad you are keeping up with the journal entries as Kuge is slacking off ... ;-)

11:55 AM  

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