Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Welcome! Please feel free to leave comments at any time.

Our trip is less than two months away, which now seems like a very short period of time when I consider what I'd like to take care of before I leave.

I'm not only planning on traveling around the world for a year, but also plan to visit friends, relatives and National Parks in the U.S. after the trip. I also intend to find a different city to live in when I finally settle down again. Austin, TX is top on my list at present, but who knows where I'll end up. In line with this, and my desire to make some drastic changes in my life, I'm working on freeing myself of most of my current possessions. This is easier said than done, but I'm on the way. The struggle to define what I really need or want to have when I return is painful. I am hoping the reward for what I've given up will be a new kind of freedom.

We've paid for our tickets and are awaiting their arrival. We can only buy tickets for flights less than 330 days away, so the tickets we're purchasing are through to Delhi, India.

We've researched medical and evacuation insurance (just in case...) and will be purchasing a plan before we leave.

Hope to be in touch with everyone before I leave!

That's all for now!



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