Friday, January 13, 2006

It's late on Friday morning, 1:10 a.m. Just finished uploading changes John and I made to the web site, So many things left to do! I'm excited about the trip, but exhausted. For me, today was another day of giving away possessions or moving them to storage. Not many larger items left, but lots of little things to take care of. I had a great time at lunch with my friend Inez, Thai food, of course. Moved some things over to my friend Tony's for storage, helped John move some of his things to a storage locker, went to the pharmacy to get last minute items, dropped by Trevor's to borrow a photo scanner.

Tomorrow is a visit to the registry of motor vehicles to "un-register" my car. They still allow you the privilege of paying the ad valorem tax even when it's unregistered! I'm also dropping off some items at my former place of employment, a final visit to the dentist, maybe a trip to the optometrist and moving more stuff. Later in the evening is a "John Voyage" party for my traveling partner, John Kuge, at Apres Diem. Looking forward to that! (Beats moving stuff!) Well, I guess it is time to head to bed. Before I do, I want to express my thanks to cousin Ric for his work on our web site. Without him, it could not have happened! Good night!


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