Friday, November 17, 2006

Delhi, India - Brief update

Yes, I am still alive! I took an 8-day Everest Trek in Nepal, myself and a Sherpa guide, flying into Lukla at 10,000 feet and reaching Kala Pattar at over 18,000 feet for some astounding views of Mt. Everest and surrounding, awesome peaks! No altitude sickness problems, but the hygiene in the mountain areas isn't so keen. I'm in Delhi, India now, flying to Bangkok in a few hours to recover from a serious cold I caught the last two days of the trek and to work on logging all of the awesome experiences that occured in Nepal, meeting my former sponsored child, Dil Kumar, spending 8-days with my Sherpa guide, Kekam, who has climbed Everest and other even more difficult peaks, and finding the warmth of Nepalis working at the hotel I stayed at Sunil and Ganesh in helping me to find and communicate with Dil Kumar.


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