Friday, November 10, 2006

Debuche to Tukla, Nepal - Everest Trek Day 4 (4300-meters/14,108-feet)

Woke up at 6 a.m., only had to pee once during the night! (It's all that hot lemon...) We left about 8:00 a.m. and got to Pheriche about noon. We had lunch at Pheriche. We decided to head onto Tukla. There are quite a lot of people staying at the small lodge at Tukla. There were a few people that were quite ill. Some may have been from food poisoning, others from altitude.

I had vegetable momos and boiled potatoes for dinner. I'm trying to keep to as safe a diet route as I can find. One of the guys here thought he might have gotten sick from the tuna pizza he had the night before.

I met Doug and his Mom who are from the Blue Mountains of Australia and talked to Doug for quite a while. We had travelled to some of the same places in Indonesia. We stayed up talking until the wee hours, almost 8:30 p.m.! That's very late for trekking time!


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