Thursday, November 09, 2006

Namche Bazaar to Debuche, Nepal - Everest Trek Day 3 (3820-meters/11,287-feet)

Wake up at 6 a.m. Dogs were barking most of the night. I used ear plugs and my MP3 player to try to block the barking. It was much colder last night. There's a sandbagged military post just below my room with about 6-8 solders manning it. Kekam said they were there to potect the nearby back.

I had left my main memory card for my camera in my computer back in Kathmandu. I looked into buying another card in Namche. It would have wiped out most of my cash and I knew I would need quite a lot more cash than I had expected. I decided to sacrifice the card I had for music in my MP3 player instead. I had the MP3 files backed up on my PC anyway, so I can get them back.

I used the Internet in Namche Bazaar for 30-minutes and it came to 450-Rs, about $6.50 USD, very expensive! I also had to pay 60-Rs to get my camera batteries charged.

We started out about 7:30 a.m. MY right knee is very slightly sore, but nothing serious, other than that, I feel fine. am a very slow trekker and I must drive Kekam nuts, but fortunately he does have friends to talk to along the way and seems to have developed a lot of patience.

I met Steve from New Zealand today. He snowboards, surfs, skateboards - all ourdoor stuff. It was fun hiking with him. His guide is very inexperienced. My guide has taken him in toe and tried to have us do some of the trek legs on the same schedule. I'm coping with my fear of heights, learning to focus on my immediate surroundings, the trail, my legs, my feet and not look at the sheer precipipaces that lurk slightly of the side of the trail.

Steve and I walked further along the trail after dropping our gear off at the lodge. I think I got some good shots of the mountains against the setting sun.


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