Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Lukla to Kathmandu, Nepal - Everest Trek Day 9 (2840-meters/9,318-feet)

I managed to get a nice sunrise shot of one of the mountains from the window in my room. I navigated down to breakfast and came somewhat back to life. I talked with a girl and her boyfriend from Canada. He's a helicopter pilot. They were really nice and helped to bring me back to reality.

The planes into Lukla were late due to the weather in Kathmandu. We had a 9:30 a.m. flight that didn't end up leaving until noon. I was getting worried, as the clouds and winds pcik up in the afternoon and places usually don't fly in much after lunch time.

I got to take some pictures and videos of the planes and helicopters when they finally started arriving. Once they started there were pretty frequent arrivals. Every landing was impressive.

We finally got out chance. I took lots of pictures of the amazing mountains and countryside as we flew back to Kathmandu. I am amazed byt the sheer volume of the mountains that has been terraced by the Nepali and Sherpa people - miles and miles of terracing!

We had an uneventful landing in Kathmandu, gathered our luggage and returned to my hotel.


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