Saturday, November 11, 2006

Tukla to Gorak Shep, Nepal - Everest Trek Day 5 (5140-meters/16,864-feet)

I remember waking up, going to use the toilet and having to break a 1/4" of ice off the water barrel used to "flush" the toilet. It as very cold this morning! Not sure when we started, but we were at Lobuche for lunch. Just before starting off for Gorak Shep, I ran into Doug and his Mom.

A few short spans on the trek to Gorak Shep were pretty steep, but most of it was pretty easy walking. We arrived in the afternoon. Gorak Shep is in an awesome location! After getting settled in the lodge, I walked around and took some photos of the surrounding peaks. I took a short hike part way up Kala Pattar as well for photos.

Back at the lodge most of the people were huddled around the wood stove. There were a few Japenese trekkers, including one gentleman who was 75. That's pretty ambitious trek at 75! I met a girl from New York and shared conversation about traveling. We turned in early for sleep, as usual.


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