Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ranthambor to Agra

We loaded on a 20-person "Canter bus" to visit the Ranthambnor Tiger Reserve in hopes of seeing Indian Tigers. The bus is open topped and just barely fits through stone gateways, trees and bushes lining the trails in the park. Leaves and branches hit my head several times, and this was one time when "keep hands and elbows inside the vehicle" was not just a caution, it was essential to avoid bruises and possible amputations to your appendages.

The terrain reminded me a lot of game reserves in Kenya, dry grassland and thorny bushes. We saw some of the same animals you would see in Africa as well, monkeys, antelope, deer and wild boars, but alas, no tigers.

We returned for another meal prepared by B.K.s friend at the local restaurant. We ate inside their house this time. The meal was chicken, with what was supposed to be a mildly spicy sauce. The sauce was as hot, if not hotter, than the previous evening. Beads of sweat were pouring off my forehead at the end of the meal. I can't complain though, it was very good.

After the meal we started heading for Agra. Just to lighten our day, B.K. told us there had been an accident in Rajisthan the previous day between an overloaded jeep and a bus. 11-people were killed and 14-people were seriously injured. An overloaded jeep probably means there were close to 20-25 people in a six passenger jeep. Later in the day we saw a bus that had just run into another vehicle blocking one lane of the road we were traveling on.


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