Thursday, October 19, 2006

Delhi, India

I arrived at 2:00 a.m. on the 18th, got a little rest and spent most of the day doing errands and then some sightseeing with Andy, a guy I met at my hotel whose from England. The sightseeing was to the Red Fort. Delhi is all that I expected it to be, very crowded, noisy, smelly and full of life. Just going down the street to get a bite to eat is exposing yourself to being run over by rickshaws and motorcycles.

Today I spent the morning selecting pictures for posting from the China photos and in the afternoon taking my PC to a shop to get the English version of Windows re-installed on my PC, replacing the Chinese version I have been using since a system crash in China a month ago. I'm hoping to join a Canadian I met tonight on a 11-day car/train trip to Rajistan and Varanasi.


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