Friday, October 27, 2006

Jaipur to Ranthambor - Raj Palace Hotel

We traveled from Jaipur to Ranthambor, which is not a long ditance, about 90-kilometers, but because of the bad road conditions it took 4-hours.

B.K. was great in telling us about the local customs and cultures and how they change by time and by region. The birth of a male child is still considered much more important and valuable than a girl. When a boy is born, the father gives out candy to his relatives to celebrate. When a girl is born, many relatives express condolences and candy is not offered by the father. The father of a girl, in a village community, is responsible for many expenses and gifts when she is married. But if the a daughter is educated in private schools, she can obtain good employment and pay for her own wedding expenses. This relieves the family of expenses that can often leave them with no savings at all for their own future.

When a parent dies, it is the responsibility of the oldest son to burn the body. This is usually done at a local cemetary. After 2-3 days the immediate family members gather up the leftover bones, teeth and nails for ceremonial disbursement into the nearest holy river.

Our driver, B.K., bought some goat meat for dinner. He had it prepared at a local (3-tables) restaurant. The sauce was very spicy. The goat meat in spicy sauce tasted very good, although we were a bit on fire by the end of the meal.


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