Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pushkar to Jaipur - Rajisthan, India

We journeyed from the laid-back, small town of Pushkar to the bustling city of Jaipur. One of it's most famous attractions is the Amber Fort. We arrived later in the afternoon, which was a great time to catch the awesome views from this fort. It's built on the top of a large hill. Ways up to the fort included elephant and jeep rides. Our driver knew the way, so he managed to take us to the top without incuring any extra fees.

From the upper parts of the fort I thought I was back in China for a second, because across the valley there are the ruins of a wall that looks much like the Great Wall of China. There are also monkeys on this fort, it seems like we've seen monkeys at every temple and palace that we visited in India!

The fort has an incredible maze of stairwars and rooms. I actually got lost and had to ask a guide to find my way back out again. There is a large lake below the fort where the mahouts were bathing their elephants. The elephants had just finished their tourist hauls to the fort for the day.


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