Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pushkar, India - Sajjan Bagh Resort

We woke up to cool, misty morning. We had a breakfast buffet for a dollar which included pancakes, toast, butter, jam, mellons, pineapples, cereal, yogurt and tea or coffee. Not bad!

We opted for a two hour camel ride in the nearby desert area. It was much more comfortable than I had been told. I was able to take a lot of pictures from the camel. My camel was kind of cranky and made lots of noises in protest to being mounted or when encouraged to go faster. I never noticed that before, but camels have really huge hoofs. I guess big hoofs are quite helpful in soft sand.

We did the "throwing flowers in the water" ceremony by the lake. I was disappointed that it was even more commercial than I anticipated. While explaining the process and the prayers, my "priest" asked what I did for a living, a clear clue that he was attempting to evaluate how much he might squeeze out of me for a donation. He mentioned donation figures like $100 to $1000 dollars. I gave him two dollar and fifty cents and felt I overpaid.

I took a couple hour nap and then headed up to the top of a nearby moutain to watch the sunset. It was a healthy hike up the mountain, but the views from the top were great. Unfortunately the battery in Vince's camera was exhausted and I discovered I had left my camera's memory card in the laptop PC back at the resort, so no photos.

We had a dollar buffet for dinner that wasn't too bad. It is really cheap to eat in India!

Part of the constant atmosphere in India is being hounded to look at and buy things. On the way back from the mountain a little girl grabbed my fingers and tried to drag me to her mother's shop for about 200-yards.


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