Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Udaipur to Pushkar, India - Sajjan Bagh Resort

We stopped for lunch at a local restaurant and had some excellent spicy dahl, potato and onion curry, nan bread, rice and chili sauce followed by a thin, sweet sesame waffer. Near Pushkar we stopped to photograph black faced monkeys. We have our own cottage at the Sajjan Bagh Resort. The swimming pool is being filled as I write. We saw a beautiful sunset at a sacred lake in the middle of Pushkar. Vendors were, as always, walking about selling their wares. One a cute 10-year old boy, spoke English very well and was quite persistent, but funny. We were warned of "priests" selling flowers to throw into the lake, offering to pray for you and then requesting $100-$150 dollar donation to the local ashram, not for themselves, of course! We avoided the temptation. Pushkar is home to the Camel festival, which will be in full swing in four days.


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