Monday, October 23, 2006

Ranakbur to Udaipur, India - Hotel Raj Palace

Today we drove through the countryside - crossing over a mountain pass, cool morning air, herds of sheep, goats, camels, a cow drawn water wheel and kids asking for pens.

The city of Udaipur, a half million people, is again like the intense crowded streets and busyness of Delhi. We had lunch at a rooftop restaurant with a great view of the city. I had some very, very green stuff that included mushrooms, onions and other vegetables. It was quite good. I also had a mixed fruit lassi, which is yogurt blended with fruit. It was incredibly rich, but quite tasty as well.

We visited the City Palace where the entrance fee was a dollar but the camera fee was five! It was nice, but not too much different from the things we had seen at the other palaces we had visited. The best part was the views of the Lake Palace and Jagdash Temple across the lake.

We were both tired for some reason and just crashed for a couple of hours before going to dinner on the hotel rooftop. I enjoyed watching the DVD "Himalaya", a French movie on Tibetan people in the Himalayas on my PC before going to bed.


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