Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania - Africa Overland Journey

I finished the 16-day Egypt trip with Chris and Kim. It was a great trip and fun traveling with them!

I started the Africa overland journey on December 24th from Nairobi. Our first destinations were the Ngorogoro Crater and the Serengeti. I'm traveling with 19-others on a huge bus which holds us, all our backpacks, tents, food, water and other gear. We're camping most of the time, but can upgrade to dorms or rooms in some locations.

In the Serengeti we saw huge herds of wilderbeasts that are migrating north, the total herd is over a million animals. We also saw elephants, giraffes, zebras, hippos, hyenas, a cheetah and loads of other animals. It is truly amazing to see so many thousands of animals on the plains of the Serengeti. It's like the reverse of a zoo. You are the minority population here.

The Ngorogo Crater is a volcanic, now grass/lake filled, crator that is over twelve miles (20-Km) across. There are large numbers of the same animals as in the Serengeti, but in a much smaller area.

We're heading to the island of Zanzibar today. Some of us plan to do some scuba diving. It's supposed to be some of the best in the world (that is if the weather cooperates!). I'll be spending New Years in Zanzibar.

Internet access while traveling overland has been limited, so sorry about the sparse and short postings. I may try to embellish them after I return to the USA.

Side note: The Nepal photos have been posted to the web site!


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