Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mt. Sinai, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt

Chris, Kim and I climbed Mt. Sinai (where Moses received the ten commandments) early this morning, starting at 2:00 a.m. and reaching the 7,000 foot summit about 5:00 a.m. We were frequently passed by people taking camels up the mountain. It was 5 below zero centigrade, pretty cold for Egypt. Vendors rented mattresses and camel hair blankets at the top, that we took advantage of, as we waited an hour for sunrise. It was like a big sleepover with about 200-people at the top of the mountain. The sunrise was quite nice, but amidst the crowd I really was not able to experience the spiritual sense of Moses getting the ten commandments here. But the mountain is quite impressive. I'm hoping Moses had a camel to carry the tablets down for him. Otherwise it must of been a very difficult journey! The entire area is very rugged and lacks for any vegetation. We visited the Monastery at St. Katherine and saw the tree of "burning bush" fame, which still survives.


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