Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bangkok, Thailand - Photos and viruses on memory sticks! (geek stuff)

Bangkok is a great place to get prints made from digital images. 4x6 prints are 10-cents a piece and am 8x12 prints are quite cheap as well. I decided to have some prints made for friends and for myself.

I'd been having some problems with the memory sticks where I stored my photos and discovered that they had contracted a virus. I managed to get the prints made. On another PC I was looking at the memory sticks with a virus program and decided to "clean" out the viruses, which the program did. The only other issue was that all my directories on the stick were gone! Directories which contained some photos that I didn't have copies of.

I had some older backups of some of the other important stuff on the stick on my web site and started downloading them. I discovered I couldn't create a directory because, "it already exists!". I looked at the memory stick and it was using a lot of memory space that was unaccounted for. Fortunately I could change the folder settings on the PC I was using at the Internet cafe, and by allowing viewing of system and hidden files, I was able to find and recover the missing directories and photos. Hooray!

This has been one hell of a week...

I am supposed to pick up my Kuwait Airways ticket tomorrow and fly to Mumbai tomorrow evening. I fly out of Mumbai for Cairo the next morning. I hope everything goes well!


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