Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Perhentian Islands, Redang Island dives
We joined a three dive trip to Redang Island which is about a two hour boat trip away. It was a beautiful day and you could climb on the top of the roof (via the toilet room) and enjoy the sun and the view.

Underwater the clarity was quite good. We saw a variety of marine life, including turtles and reef sharks as well as some of the most colorful sea anemones of all our dives.

On the third dive we started a short distance from the shore of a small island. After we descended, we found the current to be very strong. It was a challenge to stay with the group and one person reported seeing his exhaust bubbles going downwards rather than upwards! I was above the group for a short while and saw bubbles spiraling up towards me in a mini tornado. The divemaster decided to abort the dive, we grouped together to do a safety stop and surfaced about 1/2 mile from the island. We were so far away that we flagged another boat to go to ours to tell them where we were so they could pick us up! After being picked up we had a 4th dive in a much shallower, calm water area around the island.

During the trip we met a really nice, young couple, Kimball and Gemma. Kimball was from Holland originally, most recently living in the UK with his girlfriend Gemma. Gemma was originally from the UK. We ending up hanging out with them quite a lot.

Batu Totong
Pulau Lima
Terumba Kili #1
Terumba Kili #2

Sea Creature Sightings:
Giant Puffer
Scribble Filefish


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