Monday, June 05, 2006

Seaventures Oil Rig, off of the island of Mabul near the city of Semporna

John and I stayed at an oil rig run by Seaventures and did 8-dives in three days. We were the only guests for at this 60-person dive resort for that time. It was very nice for diving. I had bought a small digital camera (Konica Minolta X60) in Singapore and an underwater housing (good to 40-m) and loved using it. Some of the underwater photos came out very well!

Sipadan, where we did four dives, is ranked as one of the best dive sites in the world. It has been accepted as a world heritage site and the government and dive operation owners have been at odds from time to time, as they were before we arrived. The government established a quota of 120-divers that can visit Sipadan per day in April of this year.

For the dives not off of the rig, we had our own boat and divemaster. Our divemaster, Mando, (from the Philipines) was excellent. He had been diving in Sipadan for 9-years and knew not only the big things, but the small unusual things as well. We did two dives under the rig, four on Sipadan, one off of Mabul and one off of Kapalai.

We just finished diving today and return to Kinabalu this evening.

Sorry I haven't been blogging in a while. Someone described traveling around the world as "being on slack time". I would beg to differ! We're always finding places to stay, planning and booking things to do, finding transport to get to them, doing them, photographing them, blogging about them, keeping in touch with friends and family, meeting new people, and in the process getting and giving travel advice, budgeting, and trying to figure out what items of the local cuisine are edible and finding places to spend the night. Not that it isn't interesting, it's just that it's not like we're kicking about with nothing to do.


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