Sunday, June 11, 2006

Perhentian Islands - Moonlight Resort - Three Reefs Dive
We awoke fairly early to join a morning dive to Three Reefs. It was located next to the bigger of the Perhentian islands. The dive included some "swim throughs" of underwater passages formed by a jumble of boulders. I joined the group for the first one, but was a bit low on air after encountering an agressive Titan Trigger fish and opted for the over the top route on the later ones. I was attempting to photograph a large (ergo the name "Titan") trigger fish when it came straight for me. I had to actually hit it with one of my fins to fend it off. This is the first time I've been "attacked" underwater and it isn't a fun experience. I was thankful I was wearing fins. The Titan Trigger fish eats coral and can give quite a nasty bite.


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