Saturday, May 13, 2006

Komodo Island - Labuanbajo...
Near daybreak some of the other boats started up and departed, the Muslem call to prayer song could be heard from a village across the bay and the flying fox bats were returning and sharing their news quite noisily. I don't think any of us had a good nights sleep!

We motored over to the dock near the park station located at another area of Komodo Island. We had another guide take us on a trek on Komodo Island. By one of the buildings was another boar, and sure enough, a Komodo dragon much nearer than the boar. The dragon wasn't very active, so our guide decided to motivate him a little and poked him with his forked, Komodo protection stick. After a couple of jolts behind the rear leg, the dragon lifted up and moved about 20-feet. He then appeared to pose, standing just on his front feet. Quite statuesque!

Our guide showed us some snails on leafs. I didn't know land snails did such things! He also pointed out some cockatoos. Later on there was a Komodo dragon lying motionless in the middle of the trail. We got several photo shots, including having the guide take photos of us four with the dragon. Thenthe guide decided to motivate this dragon as well. This partaicular dragon did not want to move. Our guide tried the same prodding behind the rear leg, but finally escalated to grabbing the Komodos tail. The Komodo really didn't appreciate this and snapped it out of his hand rather dramatically. I have it on a small video I took with my camera.


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