Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ruteng to Labuanbajo, Flores - Indonesia...
Our final day with Harun, our taxi driver, thankfully! We left about 8am and stopped at the spider web rice fields. These are rice fields built like spokes from a cental point. They're quite neat looking, but it was a short visit at a small village to take a couple of photos from a hill and move on. We paid $1 for the village fee.

We later stopped at a rice paddy that was being worked by several
women. They smiled as we took some photos.

We checked into the Gardena Hotel in Labuanbajo into the $10/night bungaloo by itself at the top of the hill. A little later on we ran into Henrik (Sweden) and his girls - Smeeta(UK), Sarah and Megan (both USA) at the same hotel. I had met Henrik first at the top of Kelimutu. He and the girls had been doing the same cross island trip as us on Flores by taxi. Smeeta actually joined up with them in Bajawa, having using a motorcycle taxi for the first two days of the trip from Maumere.

We set about working on planning our time in the area. We wanted to see the Komodo dragons, do some diving and hopefully be able to see and snorkel with manta rays. We found that Reefseekers had good prices on dive trips that already had some people signed on for two days hence. If we found another person it would be even cheaper. We also found a reasonably priced two day/one night trip to Rinca and Komodo islands.

We talked to Henrik about it and he wanted to join us for both of them. Shortly thereafter Smeeta joined us as well. The 2-day/1-night trip was about $45 each, excluding park fees which ran another $24. That included transportation, food and one night on the boat. The first diving trip, an easier dive closer to Labuanbajo, was $40 for two dives, including the boat trip, lunch and all equipment. The 2nd was $55 for the same except we went further out to a more difficult dive siteand also planned to do some snorkeling with manta rays if possible.

We had an enjoyable dinner at our hotel with Henrik and his girls (LOL). We then journeyed down to the only internet place in Labuanbajo, with it's one dial-up computer terminal. We shared an hours worth of time between the six of us. While we were waiting to use the PC, we were entertained by the owners 3-year old son, who demostrated his military knowledge by coming out with a plastic pistol, saluting and marching around doing the goose step. His father said he learned this from a TV program. What is this kid watching?


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