Thursday, June 15, 2006

My Birthday on Perhentian Kecil - Temple of the Sea...
I wanted to do a dive to the "Temple of the Sea" dive site on my birthday. John graciously agreed to join me, as the trip would not go unless there was another person to make a group of four.

On the way to the dive, the boat engine seized and could not be re-started. Luckily most boat owners carry cell phones and we had three boats on their way to us. We transferred our dive gear to one of the boats and the other boat towed the crippled craft to shore. I don't know what the third boat was for.

The dive was quite beautiful. One of the species we saw at this particular area was bamboo sharks. These are a very small size sharks. They often hang out in groups underneath rocks. I photographed a few individual sharks with their heads poking out and I also saw five of their tails sticking out from underneath another rock. The sea anemones were quite beautiful as well.

That evening we went out with Kimbell and Gemma for dinner and John paid for mine as well as giving a birthday card and a book, "Land Below the Wind" about Borneo. It was nice way to spend my birthday!

Dive Site:
Tokong Laut - Temple of the Sea

Sea Creature Sightings:
Bamboo Sharks
Indian Ocean Walkman
Blue Spotted Sting Rays
Razor fish
Box Fish
Scorpion fish
Moray Eel
White Eyes Eel
Titan Trigger fish
Scribble Filefish


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