Friday, October 06, 2006

Kangding to Chengdu, China - Return to my comfort zone...

I escaped from Kangding today and took the 6-hour trip to Changdu. I met one other westerner on the bus to Chengdu. He is a medical doctor studying Chinese medical practices. He said one of the things he learned was that the Chinese have developed an herbal treatment to add to chemotherapy for cancer patients that counteracts a lot of the bad side effects.

When I arrived in Chengdu it was raining and it took me two hours to get a taxi from the bus terminal to my hostel, Sims Cozy. A young Chinese guy came to my aid to get a taxi during the Chengdu rush hour and instructed the driver where to drive to. The Chinese can be proud of the kindness of of the many people here who have helped me during my trip.

The hostel, Sims Cozy, is very comfortable and clean. There are a lot of westerners here. I watched a USA movie in the restaurant, "50 First Dates", starring Adam Sandler. I hadn't seen it before and enjoyed seeing something other than Chinese TV, the most boring television programming in the world.

I'm looking forward to recovering from the trauma of Kangding. It is the worst place I have been during the 8-months I have been away. Chendu is a major city of 10-million people. It is quite a contrast to the places I have been in the last 15-days.


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