Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Zhongdian, China - Tiger Leaping Gorge walk

I took the bus to the start of the Tiger Leaping Gorge trail. When I got to the town at the start of the trail, I grabbed some lunch at Jane's Guest House with a couple from London that I met on the bus. I decided to leave my big pack at the guest house and hike in an hour or so to get some views before heading on to Zhongdian. This is a gorgeous trail! Within an hour I was able to get some great views and pictures of the mountains surrounding the gorge. I then headed out to catch the bus.

The bus ride from the trailhead town to Zhongdian was spectacular! It followed a wild river and then wound up a series of mountains to the city of Zhongdian situated at an elevation of about 10,000 feet (3300 meters). The road was in excellent condition, the ride was comfortable and the bus driver drove reasonably.

An Italian traveller helped me find the guest house area in the old town. I decided to stay at the Shangrila Old Town Youth Hostel. I think several cities and towns in this area claim the name of the fabled "Shangrila", Zhongdian being one of them. I'm not going to argue with them. All of these places are quite awesome!

In the evening I had dinner at a nearby restaurant and ended up talking with two guys on a mid-level China tour. They were from Brisbane, Australia and having a great time.

My throat has felt funny for the last two days and I started coughing this evening. I've come down with something. I may hang out in Zhongdian to and see how I feel before starting the trip to Chengdu that goes through mountain passes that are above 15,000 feet.


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