Friday, September 01, 2006

Daocheng to Lintang, China

I woke up early in the morning not able to sleep anymore just laying in bed thinking. This is probably the worst time for me. Here in China it's been so challenging that I'm often preoccupied with the difficulties and trying to figure a way to solve them. Now the Chinese holiday tourist have arrived and will be on holiday for a week, where will I find places to stay? Can I afford the inflated prices? If I go to even more remote areas will I be able to cope with it? Should I just bolt back to a big city like Chengdu (10-million)?

I decided to get up early, took a shower and jsut finished when Big John, the manager, said he had located a ride for me in a taxi/minibus to Litang and that they were leaving immediately, how long would it take me to get ready? I told him 15-minutes and started packing like a madman. I think I was ready in 15, but the taxi hadn't arrived yet. About fifteen minutes later, it arrived, I put my luggage in, sat in the seat for a few minutes and then was told that they wouldn't be leaving until two hours later. I took my luggage out and prepared to wait at the hostel.

Having extra time here turned out well. I had time to show Big John my web site and he shared photos of Yadang that friends have taken with me. Yadang looks very awesome! I regret that I will likely not be going there. It's been a little over two hours, the taxi still hasn't arrived. I guess we're on Tibetan time. Wish I knew that earlier!


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