Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bangkok, Thailand - Thailand Photos posted, on my infrequent blog entries...

If you haven't visited the NLD photo gallery in a while, the Thailand pictures were very recently posted and Malaysian photos were also posted a couple of weeks before that. Thanks so much to cousin Ric for posting the photos we send to him!

Please excuse the infrequent nature of my postings. I've spent a lot of time in doing trip planning, including the visits to my sponsored children, getting visas and tickets, taking, editing and selecting photos and I am also working with my cousins back in the USA who are handling the affairs related to my Mom's passing. I've also spent time selecting, having printed and mailing photos to some of the native people I've met in the countries I've visited who have requested them. Along with that have been the short trips to northern Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and next to Laos.

You've probably noticed that my last three blogs have been on visiting an orphange and then on visiting my sponsored children. Visits to my sponsored children were planned into the trip at some point, but the timing was providential, as was the visit to the orphanage. I have no nuclear family left. My brother, father and mother have all passed away. It is comforting for me to meet with my extended, international family.

I think John did a good job of covering the trip to Halong Bay, Vietnam so please read his journal entries for that trip.


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