Sunday, July 30, 2006

Chiang Mai, Thailand - Thai Cooking Class

John, Kyle and I had signed up for a Thai cooking class. Unfortunately John was sick during the night and not able to take the class, or in fact, not even able to talk about food. The lady who signed us up for the class, Boo Boo (same as Yogi bear's sidekick), was very nice and refunded his money even though the receipt had a big "No Refunds!" stamped on it.

The class was next door to our hotel. It was very well organized. There were four staff people helping the 6 of us taking the class, four Canadians, Kyle and myself. We started off taking a taxi to the market and learning about some of the items we would be using in the food we'd be making and purchasing some of them.

When we returned we donned aprons and chefs hats and the fun began. The main chef would demonstrate how to make the dish and then we would go to our cooking stations and prepare the same dish. We sampled the items we made and they were wrapped for us to take with us later on.

We first prepared green curry, starting with hand making the green curry paste. The ingrediants were supplied to us. We then chopped them up very finely and used a mortar and pestle to make them into a curry paste. This was the most demanding part of the cooking class. It took about 30-minutes to make the paste, but the results were worth it. We then
went to our stations and made the green curry dish after seeing our lead chef make it. The dishes we made were:

Green Curry (served with rice)
Sweet and Sour Chicken (served with rice)
Pad Thai with Prawns (Thai fried noodles)
Banana in Syrup (dessert)
Springs Rolls (appetizer)
Tom Yum Kung (soup)

It was amazing how much we learned and how fine a job they did of organizing and teaching us. Along the way we had a lot of fun and a lot of food! The course cost about $18 US, but we also had all our meals for the day and the next morning from the food we made.

Back at the room we joined John and watched the Jetsons on TV. The Jetsons cartoon character voices were dubbed in Thai. It was quite amusing to see and hear.

I managed to pick up the same bug that John got. It mostly affected my stomach, so I wasn't able to take advantage of the leftover Thai food I had cooked.


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