Sunday, May 07, 2006

Kuta, Bali to Maurmere, Flores - Indonesia...
Our taxi driver picked us up at the hotel at the exact time specifed, 11:30 a.m. on the dot. I was impressed. When he pulled into the airport he immediately headed towards the international terminal. He asked if we were going to the international terminal and we said no, but I guess they don't get many foreigners flying domestic, so he didn't appear to understand or believe us and drove to the international gate. We finally convinced him we really were going on a domestic flight and he re-entered the airport and took us to the domestic terminal.

There was a $3 per person passenger fee, which on the return from Labuanbajo was 50-cents. I'm not sure why the big difference. Our flight was over an hour late. We ate Indonesian food for lunch while we were waiting.

The flight was full. It was in a turboprop F27 aircraft. I had a window seat with a large but hazed plexiglas window. Even so, the view of the islands we flew over was incredible! It looked like there were hundreds of beautiful beaches and potential snorkeling areas throughout the islands. The flight was about 2-hours to Maumere.

From what we saw of Maumere it looked like one of the dingiest towns we had ever seen. We stayed in a hotel for $6 a night with a beautiful courtyard, but a bathroom where the shower didn't work at all (use a bucket of water for showering), no sink and you had to put your hand in the water holding tank to flush the toilet. I also wasn't able to plug into the only electrical outlet.

Our driver took us to a local Indonesian place to eat and this established our set menu items for the next few days, since the places we were eating at were local and had a very limited menu. John got chicken and rice and I got fish and rice both with a spicy sauce. It wasn't bad, but it did get old eating it for about three days every day. The good news is that, with soft drinks, it cost about $2.80 for both of us!

We went to the only internet place in Maumere and tried doing email and blog entries. I was able to read and send a few emails and post one blogs, but the next blog entry that I wrote was lost two times because of the system. They have a notice about it and provide no discount for any problems with the service. I basically lost 15-minutes if work twice and paid for it. We didn't spend very much longer there.


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