Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Moni to Bajawa, Flores - Indonesia...

We visited "Blue Stone Beach" where they gather and sell robin's egg blue rocks that are found everywhere on the beach along with stones of pink and green pastel colors as well.

We visited a traditional village at Bena. Unfortunately we were able to tour the village, but didn't get any information about the traditions. They sell sarongs and stoles and some other local items. The one tidbit we did hear was that they still offer buffalo sacrafices on stone altars on special occasions, such as at funeral.

We stayed at the Hotel Korina in Bajawa. On arriving our driver suggested that tomorrow we skip Ruteng and go directly to Labuanbajo, reducing the trip from 4 to 3 days. We said we'd think it over.

We ate at Lucas restaurant, mentioned in the Lonely Planet. I had a really tough and fatty "snapper". John had very good spicy pork satay (The Lonely Planet recommended dish). I had a really tough and fatty "snapper". Henrik was there with the two American girls.

Outside our hotel a French-Canadian couples and locals Max and William asked us to join a group of them that were singing and playing guitar. They had one guitar that they passed amoungst them, as well as passing some Arak and beer that we drank from half a coconut shell.

There were about 10-people and everyone could sing! It was awesome! There was a Japanese couple, the guy played guitar pretty well. We sang La Bamba, Hotel California, Country Roads and Leaving on a Jet Plane. Very cool people and a lot of fun! Finally the guy staying in the room directly behind us got upset about the singing and we had to disperseback to our rooms.


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