Thursday, May 04, 2006

Trawangan Island, Indonesia - Day 4 ...
I went down to the dock and watched the locals fishing, as had become my ritual. They were fishing with a homemade bamboo pole using a spray can or plastic bottle as a reel. It was quite ingenious. One of them caught a orange-colored grouper.

I later rented the digital camera from the dive shop and did another snorkel from Coral Beach, getting a lot of good shots of turtles. John and I saw 6-turtles in all. There was a strong current and a lot of mixing of cool and warm water. The temperature differences were quite dramatic.

In the afternoon I had the dive with Rob, we went to Halik Reef again instead of another location because of an issue with fuel for the boat. We did a weight check at the surface, went down and knelt on the sea floor and established neutral buoyancy before beginning the dive.

We had the digital camera with us and shared taking photos. I was able to get very close to a sea turtle and got several clear shots of it.

While showing me a small hole with a sting ray in it, he pointed and I thought he meant for me to hold onto the reef for stability in the current, but what he was pointing at was a poisonous scorpion fish camoflaged into the surround reef. Fortunetly I recognized it before putting my hand on it. It's not deadly, but very painful. We saw a couple of lionfish as well.

This was by far the funnest dive I have had!


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