Monday, May 01, 2006

Kuta - Bali, Indonesia to Trawangan Island, Indonesia...
We were picked up by a 6 am taxi for the ride to the ferry terminal. We had breakfast at a local place before beginning the 5-hour ferry ride to Lombok Island. On the trip over we saw dolphins and flying fish. It was a nice day. The sea was very calm. The ferry is quite slow, or I guess you could call it "relaxing".

We met Patrick, originally from South Africa but now living in London. He was planning his trip while on the ferry. He was trying to find out information on how best to get transport to the area and climb a 12,000 foot peak on Lombok Island. This is one of the tallest mountains in all of Indonesia. He found that they arranged trips from Trawangan, where we were going, so he decided to try to get a bus and boat to Trawangan.

Simple food pleasures can help on a journey. When we arrived off the ferry and were loaded onto a small, non-air conditioned minibus I bought a fresh pineapple that had been excellently carved into a pinapple stick, all the rind removed and the base made into the handle. It was quite juicy and delicious. We later stopped at a store and bought a package of REAL Oreos! Quite a treat.

While waiting for the small ferry boat from Lombok to Trawangan, I decided to engage and conversation with one of the locals and expected that I would end up buying some small piece of handicraft. It was interesting, got into the bargaining stage and still enjoyable. I bought a small hand crafted necklace with the figure of a gecko carved into bone. It was quite nice and ended up costing me about $3.00 US. Unfortunately one of the other teenage vendors saw me buy it and beseiged me intensely to buy another necklace for several minutes before the ferry boat arrived to save me. It was quite sad, pathetic and annoying all in one.

We came over to Trawangan on a very long wooden boat amidst some fairly large waves as we were crossing the channel between Meno and Trawangan Island. One of the swells came over the side and drenched two of the passengers and their backpacks.

We found a room with two beds, a bathroom with a toilet, air temperature shower, and a fan for $4.50 USD a night. Not bad! Meals were between $6 and 12$ for both of us.


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