Saturday, April 29, 2006

Kuta - Bali, Indonesia...
We spent 4-hours with a travel agent planning our trip to Flores and the Gili Islands. We also had our onward ticket from Bali to Singapore changed from May 4th to May 19th. Other flights we bought were on Merpati Airlines from Denpasar to Maumere and then from Labuanbajo back to Denpasar. We hired a taxi driver for when we arrive in Maumere to take us across the island. For the taxi, driver, his food and lodging it was $60/day.

It was impressive how exhausting travel planning can be. We found because it was a Saturday that many of the airline offices closed early, so the travel agent sent a courier on motorcycle to deliver and pickup some of the tickets.

They wanted payment in cash, so I had to make three large withdrawals from the ATM because it wouldn't allow me to take it out in one transaction. Fortunately, the $5 transaction fee is only applied once within the same day. I took out about 5,000,000 rupees which is about $570 USD.

After the travel session I slept for about three hours. In the evening I worked on updating blogs and sending updated information for our web site to Ric.

John and I went out to Qbar and had a few drinks. I met and talked with one of the local people, Adi, who was from Java but was studying in Kuta, Bali.


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