Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Chengdu, China - Just hanging out...

I must admit I needed a break after traveling in western Sichuan and this has been the place for it. Sim's Cozy is an oasis for wearied travelers. I have met several cool people over the last few days here, enjoyed many meals, visited the nearby Wenshu Temple and it's vegetarian restaurant twice and generally relaxed in preparation for Beijing and the upcoming chaos of India. Lately I've hung out with two other Chris's, one from England and the other from Poland. Chris from Poland has been living in Beijing, learning Chinese and teaching English. Chris from England has been traveling for a couple months in China, is heading from Tibet and then back to England for work. He is job hunting through the Internet as I write.

I head for Beijing tomorrow. I'll miss this place. It and the people staying here have been amazingly peaceful and restorative. I think I'm ready to hit the road again!


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