Sunday, September 24, 2006

Lijiang, China - Jade Dragon Mountain

I met Mick, an Australian from Melbourne, at the Prague Cafe at breakfast and it turned out he and I were interested in visiting the same area today. We found a minivan and took a slightly hair raising trip to one of three areas that have cable cars. The cable car took us to an area at 3,750 meters or about 12,000 feet. There were pretty nice views of the much taller surrounding mountains, but the tops were in the clouds. The temperature was about 25-degrees colder than in Linjiang.

The locals raised yaks and also had them available for tourists. I think they were available so tourists could have their photo taken on them. We visited a Tibetian style monastery nearby with prayer wheels and prayer flags. We saw a couple of pigs roasting on spits and had some barbequed beef on a stick and BBQ'd mushrooms. They were both quite good and I still feel OK so far! On the way down our minivan overheated and Mick donated the contents of his water bottle to cool it down.


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