Saturday, September 23, 2006

Lijiang, China - Westerner Day

After several days of speaking with only Chinese people in very broken English, I met Dan from the Netherlands and Julie from Germany at the Prague Cafe. Dan had traveled extensively in Tibet and had a lot of good information about it. He recommended not going to Lhasa, but going to a less visited region. He had just returned from that area making the trip by motorbike.

The three of us chatted for quite a while, enough so that I left to drop back by the hotel, forgot to pay the breakfast bill, returned later and Dan and Julie were still there! I proceeded to have lunch and pay for both meals at the end.

Julie and I had a nice tour of the Old Town area of Lijiang. Later on Dan, Julie and I met at the Sakura Cafe for dinner and drinks. It was a lot of fun!


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