Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Queenstown - rain yet again!
The brakes on the car had gotten really bad, so I called the company I rented it from and they said to bring it into a shop. They gave me the name of the shop and we brought it in and they put new brake pads on the right hand front wheels. They were actually a lot faster at fixing it than I expected. It only took about 1 1/2-hours! We walked 2-miles into town while they were working on it and got to walk the two miles back in the pouring rain.

At the Internet again, as you may have guessed. We may go out to the original bungy jumping bridge to water the leapers, if the weather cooperates. It seems like all the adrenaline sports have increased quite a bit in price since I was last here in 2001. Due to that, and the fact that my knee is still swelled a bit, I think I'm going to refrain from off the bridge plunges at this point in time.


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