Friday, March 03, 2006

Pancake Rocks...
It was a clear, sunny day, so we decided to backtrack to the Pancake Rocks and also explore another place slightly further north, the Truman Track.

The walk through the Pancakes rocks was spectacular! The waves coming into the shoreline at that section of the coastline are enormous. But their power and size are further emphasized by the formations they encounter at Pancake Rocks. I think you'll just have to wait for the photos and videos to appear on the web site to get any idea of what I'm talking about.

After the Pancake Rocks we took the Truman track down to a rugged beach that had unusual formations and crashing surf. John thought he could make it to another area down the beach by waiting for the waves to retreat and running in between. I've got a video. It's quite funny, he did a good job!

We headed south back through Greymouth towards Franz Josef. On the way we stopped at a recreation site by a beautiful river coming out of the mountains. A small outfit there offered short, scenic helicopter flights for $90/person. We decided to see what was available when we got to Franz Josef before we commited to anything.

We found the Montrose Backpacker, unloaded our stuff and made dinner.


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