Thursday, March 02, 2006

From Nelson to Greymouth...
The next morning Thomas joined us for the rest of our journey in New Zealand. We headed southwest abd planned to visit the Pancake Rocks on our way to Greymouth. The weather started out very nice, but we encountered rain as we hit the coast. We took a detour to visit a seal colony at Cape Foulwind. So named either a) because of the foul weather that frequents this area, or b) for the smell of the seal colony. The weather was foul, chilling rain and strong wind, but we make the walk to see the colony and it was well worth it. There were at least 80 seals that I counted and probably a lot more that I didn't see. A mixture of females and pups.

Their constant activity is fascinating! Some of the females were nursing their pups. Other pups were awkwardly moving all over the place on their flippers. Four adventurous pups tried to enter the surf, which was huge! I shot a video of four of them attempting to go into the water, then getting hit by a large wave and three of the four immediately retreating back onto the rocks. I assume the fourth made it out to the deeper water.

We decided to head to Greymouth and not stop at Pancake Rocks, hoping to visit them in better weather the next day. We stayed at the Neptune hostel. It was a very clean and nice fish themed hotel.


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