Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Leaving Fiji ... First evening in New Zealand...
We packed all our stuff for the umpteenth time. This time to make the flight to Auckland, New Zealand from Fiji. Turned out to be a nice sunny day in Nadi. We got to the airport early and I tracked down the Air Pacific office to see if our reimbursement for our lost luggage would actually happen. Amazingly it did! I had receipts and all and the lady at the office returned with $200 FJ dollars (About $120 U.S.) New Zealand is very strick on importing any type of food, so we either ate or ditched whatever was foodlike on the plane. It was a nice 3 1/2 hour flight. Even got a hot meal (fish curry for me)! Not a lot except water in between Fiji and New Zealand.

We checked out transport to Auckland Central Backpackers and had a choice between a private van shuttle for $39 or two $13 airport-city bus tickets. We opted for the bus. Took a while to get into Auckland proper due to quite a traffic snarl because of construction.

Auckland Central Backpackers, or ACB as I'll refer to it from now on, is huge! It's at least an 8-story building with hundreds of rooms, dorms, and large facilities for backpackers, like a huge kitchen (with utensils, pots, pans, sinks, stoves), a 6-washer, 10-dryer laundry and a 25-terminal fast-access Internet cafe. The check-in desk sometimes looks like Grand Central.

We found an Asia fast food court a few hundred feet away and were served a hugh plate of rice and soup for a very reasonable price. We had the leftovers for dinner the next night. We haven't made the transition to cooking our own food yet, but who knows?

We ran into one of our new friends from Fiji, Peter, in Nadi and he ended up staying at ACB as well. He was just going to be in New Zealand for six days so he was pretty busy planning while he was here. We also met Thomas, a Canadian friend we had met on the first days of our trip in Nadi. It was great to see him again and hear of his adventures and mis-adventures on Fiji.

We actually hit the sack fairly early on the first evening in Auckland. Somehow the travel/flight things kind of wears you out.


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