Saturday, April 01, 2006

Sydney - pick Tom up at the airport...
We picked up a friend of John and mine's, Tom Jones, at the Sydney Airport, $19 for an hours parking! Wowser!

We walked to the Sydney Opera House and ate lunch in front of it - overlooking the harbor. It was a beautiful day (we've had a lot of those, fortunately!), but a bit windy. One of the surprising things about the "shells" of the Opera House is that they are made of grouted tiles that are white and beige, but from a distance they looks totally white! It is quite an awesome structure.

We walked by the shore over to the botanical gardens. Along with some huge and beautiful species of trees, it has also become the seasonal home for over 3,000 Silver faced flying fox bats. We saw trees with hundreds of them hanging off of the branches like pine cones. They have brownish heads that look like miniature fox heads but are a lot more cute than one would associate with a bat. There always seemed to be a couple of them shreeking, fighting, and carrying on in each group while the rest were trying to sleep.

Further along in the park we saw white cockatoos with yellow crests (sulfur crested cockatoos) in the trees about 15-feet away. One of them clipped John's head as it flew by after it had been spooked by a crow. We're thinking of catching a few and bringing back to the US to sell to finance our trip.

After the park we took a ride on the monorail. Unfortunately it is worse for the wear, but it did give us some views of different parts of the city.

Dinner was chinese food in an outside cafe in Sydney's China town.


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